We are looking to fill the following vacancies as soon as possible, and not later than the end of 2024:

EDITORS Ideally at least 2 individuals, to ensure cover for holidays etc.

TREASURER to record and manage our finances

MINUTES SECRETARY to take minutes of our 11 monthly meetings per year

COMMITTEE MEMBER to guide the content & production of Burton News

Training and appropriate handovers will be offered to all successful candidates.

For more information or to apply, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating which role you are interested in.


Following on from the appeal earlier this year for a new editor and treasurer, Burton News has appointed Stuart East as editor, and Margaret Carr as treasurer with effect from 2025. The contact address for sending in copy will remain the same as before. (1st November 2024)

New Editors

The Editorial Committee has appointed two new editors: Stephen Rose and Sarah Walker. The contact details for sending copy into the magazine remains the same, either drop it into the Village Store or use the Contact Editors option to send a message. (1st January 2019)

Change of Editors

From the November 2021 issue, the Burton News is under new editorship as Stephen and Sarah step down from the role. The new editors are Matthew Scott and Fiona Thexton, with assistant editor Anita Shelton. The contact address of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. remains the same. (1st October 2021)

Time To Say Goodbye

After 16 years of editing Burton News we have decided it is time to hang up our hats and pass the task onto a new pair of hands. During our editorship we have seen Burton News grow from an average of 20 pages per issue to 32 pages per issue, with an increase in the range of content. But times change and we are getting older and there are still a zillion things we want to do before we are too decrepit to do them, so we have advised the Editorial Committee that this will be our last year in post. Our heartfelt thanks go to readers for all of the kind and supportive feedback we have received over the years, and to the distribution team, to Gill and Akis at the Village Store, and to our printer, Roger at Baytype, for constant help and support. We would also like to thank all the members of the Editorial Committee, both former and current, for their advice, guidance and friendship over the years and wish them and Burton News well for the future.
Anne and Barry (1st December 2018)